Why Us

Local Contractors
We have been involved with everything from very routine works to major renovation projects in excess of £1 million on our larger buildings. We have contractors to suit every eventuality – their one constant factor is that they all offer value for money whether you live in a block of studio flats or a high-end luxury development. Most importantly, we have no ties or affiliation with any contractors and we take no commission on any contractors’ invoices – our sole goal is therefore getting you the best value for money.

If you’re unhappy with your current managing agent, how can you guarantee that a new one will be any better? And, it takes a huge amount of work on your part to put the management out to tender. These two reasons are why we take your instruction seriously. We know we can’t let you down. With over 10 years' experience across London, we understand the challenges of managing blocks of flats.

Excellent Communicators
We make sure that our clients always have one main point of contact and we have put systems and processes in place to accommodate that.
Our office phone is answered within two rings.
Telephone calls are returned on the same day and emails are responded to within one business day.
All of our team carry smartphones, so have access to email out of the office.
We have a 24-hour ‘emergency’ number which is taken by a member of our team on rotation.

In-house Accounts Team
We have a dedicated accounts team, who sit adjacent to our Portfolio Managers, enabling us to provide our clients with timely reporting information. We can unpick and reconcile your current accounting position and quickly put the building onto a firm footing.

What sets us apart
From our first conversation you will notice a difference.
Once we have agreed terms and your current agent has been given notice, we write to them with our handover list and deal with them directly for a smooth handover. There are usually issues to resolve. That’s why you’re changing agent. We aim to rectify all major issues and have the block running to your expectations within three months.
By our first meeting following instruction, we’ll be able to reassure you that your building is in capable hands. We usually hear a sigh of relief at that first meeting with new clients. Regular updates prevent problems. In the first few months we’ll be in regular contact to resolve any issues. We create detailed “issues lists” for each property in our portfolio that we update daily. They form the basis of the information pack provided in client meetings. By keeping on top of issues we can deal with small problems before they become major ones. We also brief each member of the team on your block and we have weekly meetings to ensure that all the issues are kept up to date.
We believe successful property management depends on:
Good communication
Clear and accurate accounting
Prompt and reliable maintenance
Proactive approach and future-proofing
That's why we strive to be the best at all four!