We offer a bespoke management service to developers, understanding the different needs of each client. As your development approaches completion, we can assist in setting the building up ready for occupation.
Our management package includes essentials such as setting up on-site staffing, 24 hour security, dealing with snagging and fire safety measures. We can provide packages detailing breakdown of service charges for potential leaseholders, and provide comfort on the cost side.
Our package includes the following areas specifically for developers

Customer Focused
We are responsive to your queries and can set up service charge packages and budgets which are realistic and appeal to potential leaseholders and prospective buyers.
Sales & Let Of Units
We can manage the sale or let of individual and multiple units on your behalf, as well as liaise with solicitors and collect ground rent from leaseholders.
Transparent Financial Management
We reconcile our accounts on a daily basis, enabling us to quickly identify potential cost savings. This also means that financial information can be supplied to you at any time you request it.
We only take on properties in London and the Home Counties that our Portfolio Managers are able to get to easily for site visits and should any issues arise.
Third party contracts
All larger works are put out to tender and we have a large network of contractors who all offer value for money. We do not take commission on any contractor or supplier invoice – meaning that we can just focus on finding the best person for the job.
At a high level, our experience means that we are able to provide comprehensive advice to developers on setting up property management for new developments. If you are interested in our services please feel free to download our brochure which further details our Services, staff profiles and some examples of typical properties already held under management. Additionally, if you would like to discuss your requirements and obtain a fee quotation please contact us and we can discuss your requirements and the next steps involved in appointing a new Managing Agent.
LBM has niche expertise in this area giving us experience and knowledge on issues that some of our competitors won’t have encountered. Our portfolio includes numerous historic and listed buildings across London and we are always on the hunt for stunning buildings to add to it.